
Improving Extreme Weather Preparedness and Resilience: Emergency Planning Through a 'Whole-of-Society' Approach

Date:     Wednesday 27th March 2024

Time:     10:00am - 3:40pm

Venue:  ONLINE Live Conference - Check Your System / Device Compatibility

  • Event Abstract
  • Programme
  • Key Speakers
  • Who Should Attend?
  • Marketing Opportunities

The global climate crisis has already resulted in a marked increase in extreme weather events in the UK in recent years, bringing significant challenges for national and local services across the country. Recent analysis carried out for the Climate Change Committee (CCC) suggests that ‘at least eight climate change risks may each have a cost of more than £1 billion a year by 2050’, with particular concerns around the impact of flooding on businesses and high temperatures on health and wellbeing. These risks have highlighted the critical role that effective resilience structures, partnership relationships and the coordination between agencies play in preparing for and recovering from increasingly dangerous and life-threatening weather events.

In December, the Government published the UK Government Resilience Framework: Implementation Update 2023, reiterating its commitment to the ‘whole-of-society’ approach to resilience, ensuring that individuals, businesses and local communities are empowered to prepare for and respond to emergencies. However, a new National Audit Office report: Government Resilience: Extreme Weather, also published in December, found that whilst improvements are being made to embed a ‘whole-of-society’ approach, more work urgently needs to be done to improve national preparedness for extreme weather events.

This timely online live conference provides a valuable opportunity for key partners from local authorities, emergency planning/civil contingencies, local resilience forums (LRFs), the police, health, fire and rescue services, private and third sectors and other key statutory agencies to understand and examine how a ‘whole-of-society’ approach can be central to delivering effective multi-agency resilience structures that are fit-for-purpose. The webinar will also examine the key finding and recommendations in the National Audit Office report, as well as the UK Government Resilience Framework: 2023 Implementation Update. This online conference offers an ideal platform to learn from innovative best practice and share ideas with fellow participants on how to identify gaps in existing measures, improve communication and information sharing and work to deliver more effective responses to the increasingly dangerous weather events that we will face.

Why Attend?

  • Live webinar featuring presentations and panel discussions with a wide range of policymakers, experts from across the emergency planning, resilience, civil contingencies and national and local government
  • Interactive Question Time sessions with opportunities to engage with all speakers
  • Explore the impact of the UK Government Resilience Framework: 2023 Implementation Update and the current Local Resilience Forum (LRF) Pilot Programmes
  • Driving improvements in extreme weather preparedness: Examining the National Audit Office report
  • Analyse the role that a 'whole-of-society' approach can play in improving resilience frameworks
  • Explore the lessons learned from recent extreme weather events
  • Share ideas with fellow participants from local authorities, local resilience forums, emergency planning / civil contingencies, the police, fire and rescue services, health, the private and third sectors
  • On Demand – Exclusive access to speaker presentations and post-event resources

  • Resource - The UK Government Resilience Framework

    News - 10th January 2023: New Approach to Sustainable Drainage Set to Reduce Flood Risk and Clean Up Rivers

    News - 27 April 2023: UKHSA launches new Adverse Weather and Health Plan

    Guidance - 16th May 2023: Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Fund

    News - 1 June 2023: UKHSA launches new alerting system in collaboration with the Met Office

    Guidance - 4 December 2023: The UK Government Resilience Framework: 2023 Implementation Update

    Guidance - 6 December 2023: National Audit Office report - Government Resilience: Extreme Weather


    Delegate Online Login


    Introduction by Webinar Organiser


    Chair's Welcome and Opening Remarks

    Deborah Higgins, Head, Emergency Planning College, Cabinet Office


    Keynote Session:

    Building Long-Term Resilience for Extreme Weather – The National Picture

  • Exploring the UK Resilience Framework: Implementation Update 2023 and its progress on improving resilience to extreme weather events
  • National preparedness for and response to extreme weather events
  • Examining the Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) Pilot Programme - Strengthening the role of LRFs through better leadership, accountability and integration
  • Prioritising a ‘whole of society’ approach to resilience – Ensuring key partners from the public, private and voluntary sectors understand key national risks and their role in preparing for and responding to them
  • Roger Hargreaves, Director of COBR (COBRA) Unit, National Security Secretariat, Cabinet Office


    Keynote Session: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session One:

    Improving Prevention and Preparation for Extreme Weather Events

  • Understanding the risks posed by the climate change crisis and its impact on the frequency and severity of extreme weather events
  • Enhancing local and national flood and extreme weather forecasting and warning services
  • Meeting the challenge – Managing more frequent, severe, simultaneous and interconnected emergencies
  • Improving the resilience of water, energy, transport and digital infrastructure systems
  • Developing a shared understanding of risk to successfully anticipate, prepare for and recover from extreme weather events
  • Caroline Douglass, Executive Director for Flood and Coastal Risk Management, Environment Agency

    Jon Chappell, Senior Policy Adviser, National Infrastructure Commission

    Carolyn Otley MBE, Community Resilience Coordinator, Cumbria CVS


    Panel Session One: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Two:

    Getting it Right – Building Stronger Resilience Frameworks

  • Enhancing national resilience arrangements – Analysing the key findings and recommendations in the National Audit Office report
  • Improving coordination between key emergency services to limit the impact of extreme weather incidents on communities, homes and businesses, especially in challenging remote and urban settings
  • Updating worst-case scenario planning that takes into account of intersecting risks
  • Examining key joint-working principles to create a successful response to extreme weather events: co-locate, communicate, co-ordinate, jointly understand risk, and shared situational awareness
  • Ensuring vital fail-safe technologies and systems are in place during and in the aftermath of extreme weather emergencies
  • Sian Jones, Director of Value for Money Cross Government, National Audit Office (NAO)

    Mfon Akpan, Lead, Financial and Risk Management Hub, National Audit Office (NAO)

    Bethan Morgan, Director of Civil Contingencies, Staffordshire Civil Contingencies Unit


    Panel Session Two: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Three:

    Driving Everyday Preparedness through a ‘Whole-of-Society’ Approach

  • Utilising existing community structures and establishing new partnerships to develop effective ‘whole-of-society’ frameworks
  • Mapping out the key services and capabilities local businesses, voluntary organisations and other key partners can provide during emergencies
  • Improving joined-up working through partnerships and data-sharing agreements between local resilience forums, local authorities, police, fire and rescue and health
  • Ensuring resilience structures effectively support people and communities, particularly from underrepresented groups, who may be disproportionately impacted
  • Delivering business and service continuity during an extreme weather incident
  • Ago de Sousa, Lead, Extreme Events and Health Protection (EEHP) Team, UK Health Security Agency

    Sam Samwell, Senior Emergency Response Officer North East, British Red Cross

    Jon Vangorph, Head of Partnerships, VCS Emergencies Partnership


    Panel Session Three: Questions and Discussion


    Final Questions and Chair's Summary & Closing Comments


    End of Online Conference

    *Please note the programme and timings are subject to slight alteration without notice

    National Security Secretariat

    Roger Hargreaves, Director, COBR (COBRA) Unit, National Security Secretariat, Cabinet Office


    Sian Jones, Director of Cross-Government Value For Money, National Audit Office

    Mfon Akpan, Lead, Financial and Risk Management Hub, National Audit Office


    Jon Chappell, Senior Policy Adviser, National Infrastructure Commission


    Ago de Sousa, Lead, Extreme Events and Health Protection (EEHP) Team, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

    Environment Agency

    Caroline Douglass, Executive Director for Flood and Coastal Risk Management, Environment Agency

    British Red Cross

    Sam Samwell, Senior Emergency Response Officer North East, British Red Cross


    Jon Vangorph, Head of Partnerships, VCS Emergencies Partnership

    Cumbria CVS

    Carolyn Otley MBE, Community Resilience Coordinator, Cumbria CVS


    Bethan Morgan, Director of Civil Contingencies, Staffordshire Civil Contingencies Unit

    Emergency Planning College

    Deborah Higgins (Chair & Moderator), Head of Emergency Planning College, Cabinet Office

    • Representatives from Police, Fire & Rescue and Ambulance Services
    • Emergency Planning & Management Teams
    • EPRR Officers
    • First & Second Line Civil Contingency Leads
    • Flooding Leads
    • Heads and Members of Local Resilience Forums (LFRs)
    • Local Authority Officers & Councillors
    • Chief Fire Officers
    • Police & Crime Commissioners
    • Chief Constables, Asst Chief Constables & Deputies
    • Detective Inspectors & Detective Sergeants
    • Community Safety Managers
    • Community Engagement Managers
    • Community Safety Coordinators
    • Emergency Care Leads
    • Ambulance Services
    • NHS Organisations
    • Primary Care Trusts
    • Public Health Directors
    • Health Service Professionals
    • Head of Commissioning and Procurement
    • IT & Shared Services Teams
    • Critical Communication Network Providers
    • Risk Management Professionals
    • Business Continuity Teams
    • Resources & Estate Management Teams
    • Private Sector Organisations
    • Voluntary & Community Organisations
    • Academics & Researchers

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      Headline Sponsor Package:
    • 15 minute speaking slot within afternoon panel session followed by ‘Question Time’ debate with attendees
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    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places plus speaker
      Partner Sponsor Package:
    • Partner Branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Partner branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Partner branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places
      Exhibition Package:
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 2 delegate places

    • Insert Package:
    • Up to A4 size or equivalent insert in delegate pack

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