
Tackling Peer-on-Peer Abuse and Harassment in Schools and Colleges

Date:     Wednesday 18th September 2024

Time:     10:00am - 3:30pm

Venue:  ONLINE Live Conference - Check Your System / Device Compatibility

  • Event Abstract
  • Programme
  • Key Speakers
  • Who Should Attend?
  • Marketing Opportunities

Children are now the biggest perpetrators of sexual abuse against other children. A recent National Police Chiefs’ Council report has highlighted how pervasive ‘peer-on-peer’ abuse has become, with a record 52% of offenses carried out by other children, up from one third a decade ago and is overwhelmingly carried out by boys. This is underpinned by data from Vodafone, which outlined that 70% of teachers reported witnessing a rise in sexist language in the classroom over the past year. This worrying rise is being fuelled by access to violent pornography and misogynistic content via smartphones. It is clear that urgent action is needed from all sectors to combat and prevent further escalation of peer-on-peer abuse, both online and in person.

As part of measures to address these growing issues, the Online Safety Act was passed last year with the aim of tackling harmful content online. Furthermore, the Department for Education strengthened the Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance and updated the Child-on-Child Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment guidance for schools. Although these are helpful frameworks this issue goes beyond the school gates, and it is therefore vital for schools and colleges to work in partnership with colleagues in local authorities, the police, health, social care, third sector, and other key safeguarding teams to stamp out the harassment and abuse that students suffer at the hands of their peers.

This Policy Foresight live online seminar will explore the significant rise in child abuse committed by other children, and what can be done by key safeguarding partners to challenge it more effectively. Participants will also explore the impact that the accessibility of harmful online content is having on students and learn best practice from experts about how to develop an effective and consistent response that addresses and prevents children committing child abuse and harassment in every local area.

Why Attend?

  • Live webinar featuring presentations and panel discussions with a wide range of policymakers, experts and key officials
  • Examine the role of the Online Safety Act in disrupting harmful online behaviours
  • Explore how to engage with boys and young men to confront the rise in sexist and misogynistic behaviour and drive cultural change
  • Learn best practice from experts to establish a ‘whole school approach’ that improves reporting, effectively manages incidents and ensures a victim-centred response
  • Discuss how to develop and deliver a child protection framework that responds to extra-familial harm
  • Share ideas with fellow participants from education, local authorities, social care, police, health, education, criminal justice, third sector and other key statutory agencies
  • Gather knowledge to successfully implement local partnerships to tackle peer-on-peer abuse in every area
  • Interactive Question Time sessions with opportunities to engage with all speakers
  • On Demand – Exclusive access to speaker presentations and post-event resources

  • Statutory Guidance - Keeping Children Safe in Education


    Delegate Online Login


    Introduction by Webinar Organiser


    Chair's Welcome and Opening Remarks

    Dr Amanda Carr, Head of Research (Children, Young People and Education), TONIC


    Keynote Session:

    Tackling Child Abuse Committed by Children in Schools and Colleges – The National Picture

  • The National Picture – Understanding the prevalence and changing nature of the problem
  • Raising awareness and understanding of the different types of harassment and sexual abuse, including misogynistic abuse, online sexual abuse and the rise in indecent image sharing and ‘nudification’
  • Effectively implementing the Online Safety Act to prevent and address harmful online behaviour and abuse
  • Examining how the rise in the accessibility of violent pornography and misogynistic content has played in the increase in peer-on-peer abuse, both online and offline
  • Gareth Edwards, Director, Vulnerability Knowledge Practice Programme (VKPP), College of Policing


    Keynote Session: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session One:

    Implementing a Proactive ‘Whole School Approach’ to Embed Zero Tolerance on Peer-on-Peer Abuse and Harassment

  • Effectively engaging boys and young men to confront the rise in misogynistic behaviour and drive cultural change
  • Starting earlier – Delivering high-quality Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) that reflects reality and incorporates key issues facing children and young people, including consent
  • Using a ‘Whole-School Approach’ to create a positive culture where harmful attitudes and behaviours are proactively prevented, identified and stamped out
  • Tackling the normalisation of online sexual harassment and abuse
  • Dr Stephen Burrell, Deputy Director, Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA), Durham University; Lecturer in Criminology, School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne

    Carmel Glassbrook, Helpline Manager, Professionals Online Safety Helpline & Lead for Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service, SWGfL; UK Safer Internet Centre

    Helen Emerson, Education Adviser: PSHE, Equalities and Anti-Bullying, Brighton and Hove Council


    Panel Session One: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Two:

    Improving Early Intervention Frameworks to Safeguard Young People

  • Raising awareness of the different types of harassment and abuse, including indecent image sharing and ‘sextortion’
  • Improving early intervention – Upskilling staff to be able to identify, intervene and respond to problematic behaviour and prevent incidents of harassment and abuse from escalating
  • Removing barriers to reporting and ensuring support services work for all students including those from minoritised communities
  • Embedding a Contextual Safeguarding Approach to build a child protection framework that responds to extra-familial harm
  • Ellie Softley, Head of Education, Everyone’s Invited

    Rani Govender, Policy Manager for Child Safety Online, NSPCC

    Sophie Whitehouse, Neighbourhood Strategic Lead - Safer Communities, Adur and Worthing Councils


    Panel Session Two: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Three:

    Strengthening Multi-Agency Working to Stop Children Abusing Children

  • Developing and improving multi-agency working between schools, local authorities, the police, public health, social care, and the third sector to disrupt harmful behaviours and safeguard victims
  • Beyond the school gates – Utilising local partnerships to disrupt abuse in the local community
  • Ensuring a consistent and effective response when incidents of harassment and abuse occur
  • Improving coordination with the Police that delivers a victim-centred response when further investigation is required
  • Det. Supt. Kristina Windsor, Lead for Lead for Vulnerability, Avon and Somerset Police

    Caroline Dart, Senior Manager - Prevention, Early Intervention & Women and Girls; Tayrese Miller, Young Persons Action Group, London’s Violence Reduction Unit

    Jon Brown, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Barnardo’s


    Panel Session Three: Questions and Discussion


    Final Questions and Chair's Summary & Closing Comments


    End of Online Conference

    *Please note the programme and timings are subject to slight alteration without notice

    College of Policing

    Gareth Edwards, Director, Vulnerability Knowledge Practice Programme (VKPP), College of Policing

    Avon and Somerset Police

    Det. Supt. Kristina Windsor, Lead for Vulnerability, Avon and Somerset Police


    Caroline Dart, Senior Manager - Prevention, Early Intervention & Women and Girls; Tayrese Miller, Young Persons Action Group, London’s Violence Reduction Unit

    Durham University

    Dr Stephen Burrell, Deputy Director, Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse (CRiVA), Durham University; Lecturer in Criminology, School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne


    Rani Govender, Policy Manager for Child Safety Online, NSPCC


    Jon Brown, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Barnardo’s

    Everyone’s Invited

    Ellie Softley, Head of Education, Everyone’s Invited

    UK Safer Internet Centre

    Carmel Glassbrook, Helpline Manager, Professionals Online Safety Helpline & Lead for Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service, SWGfL; UK Safer Internet Centre

    Brighton & Hove

    Helen Emerson, Education Adviser: PSHE, Equalities and Anti-Bullying, Brighton and Hove Council

    A&W Councils

    Sophie Whitehouse, Neighbourhood Strategic Lead - Safer Communities, Adur and Worthing Councils


    Dr Amanda Carr (Chair & Moderator), Head of Research (Children, Young People and Education), TONIC

    • Head Teachers & Deputy Head Teachers
    • Principals & Vice-Principals
    • School Governors
    • Heads of School Counselling Service
    • PSHE/RSHE Leads
    • Heads of Teaching and Learning
    • CAMHS Practitioners
    • Mental Health Leads
    • Pupil Mental Health & Wellbeing Managers
    • School Nurses
    • Heads of Child Safeguarding
    • Safeguarding Managers
    • Safeguarding Officers & Advisers
    • Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards
    • Directors of Children’s Services
    • Heads of Children’s Services
    • Children’s Services Managers
    • Heads of Children’s Social Care
    • Social Workers
    • Police Authorities
    • Police & Crime Commissioners
    • Police Youth Engagement Officers
    • Youth Inclusion & Support Panel Members
    • Early Intervention & Prevention Teams
    • Pupil Referral Units
    • Local Education Authorities
    • Local Authority Officers & Councillors
    • Voluntary & Community Organisations
    • Public Health Teams
    • NHS Health Workers
    • NHS Trusts
    • Academics & Researchers

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    Example packages include:

      Headline Sponsor Package:
    • 15 minute speaking slot within afternoon panel session followed by ‘Question Time’ debate with attendees
    • Headline branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Headline branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Headline branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places plus speaker
      Partner Sponsor Package:
    • Partner Branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Partner branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Partner branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places
      Exhibition Package:
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 2 delegate places

    • Insert Package:
    • Up to A4 size or equivalent insert in delegate pack

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