Past Events

When Enough is Enough: Putting Prevention, Support and Justice at the Heart of Tackling Domestic Abuse

Date:     Thursday 16th May 2024

Time:     10:00am - 4:15pm

Venue:  ONLINE Live Conference

  • Event Abstract
  • Programme
  • Key Speakers
  • Who Should Attend?
  • Marketing Opportunities

There is an epidemic of domestic abuse and violence against women and girls in England and Wales, with an estimated 2.1 million people experiencing these horrific crimes last year. Unfortunately, reports of domestic abuse-related crimes have increased markedly in recent years, further challenging already stretched services, leaving too many victims unable to access the support that they so desperately need.

To address these serious challenges, the Government launched the Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan in 2022 with the aim of driving down the prevalence of domestic abuse through prevention, perpetrator disruption and enhanced support for victims. Building on this, the Government launched the Flexible Fund through 2025 to help provide survivors one-off payments to flee abuse and secure a safe future. Additionally, the Victims and Prisoners Bill is currently going through Parliament and provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve how domestic abuse victims are treated in the criminal justice system and ensure they receive the justice they deserve. Whilst these reforms and initiatives are major steps forward, more needs to be done to tackle domestic abuse and deliver vital support and protection for victims.

This timely Policy Foresight online live conference offers a valuable opportunity for key partners from local authorities, the police, health, housing, social care, criminal justice, education, third sector and other key statutory agencies to examine the impact of recent strategies, initiatives and legislation. The webinar will also explore the impact of the current council funding crisis on service provision and how that can be addressed locally. This special online conference provides an ideal platform for participants to hear from experts and policymakers, learn from innovative best practice and share ideas with fellow participants to deliver trauma informed support for victims, improve multi-agency responses, and ensure perpetrators are brought to justice.

Why Attend?

  • Live webinar featuring presentations and panel discussions with a wide range of policymakers, experts and key officials
  • Interactive Question Time sessions with opportunities to engage with all speakers
  • Analyse the impact of recent and ongoing legislation, reviews and strategies including the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, the Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan and the Victims and Prisoners Bill
  • Examine the impact of the local authority financial crisis and explore how to work with key partners to address it
  • Explore how to enhance access to safe accommodation and specialist services for victims
  • Improving support for marginalised or minoritised women, including migrant women, homeless, disabled, LGBTQ+
  • Learn best practice from experts working to protect and support victims and bring perpetrators to justice
  • Gather knowledge to enhance existing frameworks, procedures, processes and toolkits
  • Share ideas with fellow participants from local authorities, social care, the police, housing, health, criminal justice, education, third sector and other key statutory agencies
  • On Demand – Exclusive access to speaker presentations and post-event resources

  • Resource - 21st July 2021 Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

    Latest News - 1st March 2022: Home Secretary says ‘Enough’ to violence against women and girls

    Guidance - 8th July 2022 Domestic Abuse Act 2021: New guidance will ensure all forms of domestic abuse are recognised

    Resource - 1st September 2022 Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan

    Resource - 15th December 2022 End to End Rape Review Progress Report

    Latest News - 20th February 2023: Domestic abusers face crackdown in raft of new measures

    Latest News - 17th March 2023: Tougher sentences for domestic killers

    Latest News - 31st March 2023: Victims fleeing domestic abuse given lifeline payments

    Latest News - 25th July 2023: Funding boost for specialist victim support services

    Latest News - 9th January 2024: Domestic abuse victims given fresh support to escape abuse


    Delegate Online Login


    Introduction by Webinar Organiser


    Chair's Welcome and Opening Remarks

    Gudrun Burnet, Advisor, Justice Reform and Domestic Abuse, Firebird Foundation


    Keynote Session: Tackling Domestic Abuse – The National Picture

  • Understanding the national picture – Responding to the current nature and scale of domestic abuse and the subsequent increases post-Covid and in the current cost of living crisis
  • Analysing progress since the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, The Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan, as well as the proposals within the Victims and Prisoners Bill
  • Exploring the impact of the council funding crisis on service provision and what can be done to address it
  • Tackling the ‘patchwork of provision’ – Identifying and addressing the gaps in victim and survivor services
  • Keeping the survivor's voice at the heart of service provision
  • Andrea Campos-Vigouroux, Consultant; Criminal Justice Lead, Office of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner


    Keynote Session: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session One:

    Safeguarding Victims through Proactive Early Intervention

  • Spotting the signs of abuse in all its forms, including emotional, physical, and economic abuse; controlling or threatening behaviour; and so-called ‘honour’ based abuse
  • Preventing potential victims – Utilising the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) to ensure individuals are aware of their partner’s previous abuse offenses
  • Embedding a trauma-informed support for victims, including those from marginalised or minoritised communities
  • The role of specialist women’s domestic abuse services in supporting survivors and the challenges they currently face
  • The impact of the cost of living crisis and the role of the Flexible Fund to help victims flee their abusers, access support and safe accommodation and work on rebuilding their lives
  • Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes – Delivering effective interventions that bring about lasting behaviour change and stops violence and abuse
  • Isabella Lowenthal-Isaacs, Senior Policy and Practice Officer, Women’s Aid

    Ippo Panteloudakis, Head of Services, Respect

    Iona Hunter-Whitehouse, Domestic Abuse Projects and Partnerships Team Lead, Kent County Council

    Ghadah Alnasseri, Co-Executive Director, Imkaan


    Panel Session One: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Two:

    Strengthening Partnership Working to Deliver Support for Victims in Every Area

  • Building capacity and improving local multi-agency working and data-sharing between the police, local authorities, health, housing, social care, education and the third sector
  • Improving local commissioning structures to ensure specialist services are adequately funded during the current local authority funding crisis
  • Implementing a whole system response to victims – Utilising a Coordinated Community Response
  • Putting safety before status – Improving support and services for migrant victims
  • Enhancing access to accommodation and housing support for at-risk individuals and their children through a ‘Whole Housing Approach
  • Sally Jackson, Partnership Manager, Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse

    Ellen Miller, Chief Executive, SafeLives

    Annabel Moores, Ending Violence Against Women & Girls Lead, Hammersmith & Fulham Council


    Panel Session Two: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Three:

    Bringing Perpetrators to Justice and Delivering Lasting Protection for Survivors

  • Keeping victim’s and children's safety and experience at the heart of the entire criminal justice and family courts process
  • Enhancing police responses and investigations of domestic abuse cases, including the use of Domestic Abuse Protection Orders
  • Implementing a Whole Justice Approach to domestic abuse cases – Improving prosecutions and convictions to bring perpetrators to justice and end abuse
  • Delivering successful Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPAs) – Enhancing information sharing between the probation service and other key agencies to prevent perpetrators from reoffending
  • Ensuring lasting protection for victims and families – Exploring the impact of the Families First for Children (FFC) Pathfinder Pilot Programme
  • Noreen Wallace, Domestic Abuse Lead Inspector, HM Inspectorate of Probation

    Det. Supt. Kristina Windsor, Lead for Domestic Abuse, Avon and Somerset Police

    Amy Glover, Chief Executive, Advance

    Michelle Blunsom MBE, Head of Domestic Abuse Services, East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services and Gudrun Burnet, Advisor, Justice Reform and Domestic Abuse, Firebird Foundation


    Panel Session Three: Questions and Discussion


    Final Questions and Chair's Summary & Closing Comments


    End of Online Conference

    *Please note the programme and timings are subject to slight alteration without notice

    Domestic Abuse Commissioner

    Andrea Campos-Vigouroux, Consultant; Criminal Justice Lead, The Office of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner

    HM Inspectorate of Probation

    Noreen Wallace, Domestic Abuse Lead Inspector, HM Inspectorate of Probation

    Avon and Somerset Police

    Det. Supt. Kristina Windsor, Lead for Domestic Abuse, Avon and Somerset Police

    Standing Together

    Sally Jackson, Partnership Manager, Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse

    Women's Aid

    Isabella Lowenthal-Isaacs, Senior Policy and Practice Officer, Women’s Aid


    Ippo Panteloudakis, Head of Services, Respect


    Ellen Miller, Chief Executive, SafeLives


    Annabel Moores, Ending Violence Against Women & Girls Lead, Hammersmith & Fulham Council


    Iona Hunter-Whitehouse, Domestic Abuse Projects and Partnerships Team Lead, Kent County Council


    Amy Glover, Head of Domestic Abuse Services, Advance


    Ghadah Alnasseri, Co-Executive Director, Imkaan


    Michelle Blunsom MBE, Chief Executive, East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services

    Firebird Foundation

    Gudrun Burnet (Chair & Moderator), Advisor, Justice Reform and Domestic Abuse, Firebird Foundation

    • Local Authority Officers & Councillors
    • Central Government Departments & Agencies
    • Police & Crime Commissioners
    • Domestic Abuse & Sexual Abuse Co-ordinators
    • Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors (IDVAs)
    • Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs)
    • Directors of Children’s Services
    • Heads of Victim Support
    • Victim Support Officers
    • Directors of Safeguarding
    • Safeguarding Managers
    • Local Safeguarding Children Boards
    • Local Safeguarding Adult Boards
    • Drug & Alcohol Action Teams
    • Community Safety Officers & Managers
    • Safeguarding & Child Protection Teams
    • Family & Parental Support Workers
    • Refuge Services
    • Head of Housing & Support Services
    • Housing Officers
    • Troubled Families Teams
    • Children & Family Services
    • Domestic Abuse Police Leads
    • Violence against Women and Girls Police Leads
    • Members of Specialist Rape and Serious Sexual Offence (Rasso) Units
    • Neighbourhood Policing Officers & Practitioners
    • Probation Officers
    • General Practitioners
    • Community Midwives
    • NHS Health Workers
    • Commissioning & Partnerships Managers
    • Court Service, Judges & Magistrates
    • Criminologists
    • Voluntary & Community Organisations
    • Academics & Researchers

    We are delighted to offer a range of sponsorship, exhibition and marketing opportunities across our portfolio of public policy events**. Whether you're interested in headline sponsorship or a simple delegate pack insert, we can provide tailor-made solutions to help deliver your profile-raising, communication and marketing strategies. We also provide subsidised rates for public sector and non-commercial organisations and are always keen to develop mutually beneficial partnership arrangements.

    **Not available for ONLINE events

    For more information or to discuss the options available, please get in touch with the events team on 01753 373096, or email:

    Example packages include:

      Headline Sponsor Package:
    • 15 minute speaking slot within afternoon panel session followed by ‘Question Time’ debate with attendees
    • Headline branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Headline branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Headline branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places plus speaker
      Partner Sponsor Package:
    • Partner Branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Partner branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Partner branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places
      Exhibition Package:
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 2 delegate places

    • Insert Package:
    • Up to A4 size or equivalent insert in delegate pack

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