Past Events

Accelerating the Rollout of T Levels: Shaping the Future of Technical Education

Date:     Thursday 11th July 2024

Time:     10:00am - 3:20pm

Venue:  ONLINE Live Conference

  • Event Abstract
  • Programme
  • Key Speakers
  • Who Should Attend?
  • Marketing Opportunities

In September 2020, the phased introduction of T Levels began for students in England, offering a rigorous technical alternative to A Levels. Four years on, 16,000 students have now studied all or a part of a T Level since their launch. From September 2024, eighteen T Level courses will be available to students at over 160 schools and colleges in a wide range of subjects, including health and science, agriculture, digital, and legal services.

Across this Parliament, the Government invested £3.8bn into further education and skills, including £1.6bn for T Levels delivery. Furthermore, at least £150m has been allocated for providers to improve buildings and facilities, as well a 10% funding boost to support the scaling up of T Levels in this next academic year. Despite these funding commitments the General Election has put the spotlight on the future of T Levels, and there are many questions centred on the potential direction a new government may take on technical education. Despite this uncertainty, T Level delivery will continue and key implementation challenges still need to be addressed in the near-term, including concerns over the recruitment and retention of both students and teachers, industry placements, assessment, and overall course quality.

This Policy Foresight online live conference offers a timely opportunity for key partners from schools, FE providers, local authorities, awarding bodies, training providers and employers to examine the impact that the outcome of the General Election will have on the future of T Levels, as well as further education and skills policy more broadly. Additionally, with the T Level rollout continuing in September, participants will have an invaluable chance to learn from best practice and explore how to improve the recruitment of students and teachers, enhance course content and strengthen collaboration with employers to deliver successful industry placements that can ensure that T Levels delivers a high-quality technical qualification for all students.

Why Attend?

  • Live webinar featuring presentations and panel discussions with a wide range of policymakers and key officials
  • Hear about the potential impact that the outcome of the General Election will have on the future of T Levels
  • Gather knowledge from experts on successfully designing, developing and delivering T Levels
  • Explore how to overcome T Level implementation challenges, including the recruitment and retention of teachers and students, ensuring high-quality course content and improving progression routes into apprenticeships, higher education and employment
  • Examine how to strengthen collaboration & engagement with employers to ensure successful placements for students
  • Learn best practice from experts developing and delivering T Levels nationally
  • Interactive Question Time sessions with opportunities to engage with all speakers
  • Share ideas with fellow participants from further education, employers, industry, awarding bodies, local government and other key statutory agencies
  • On Demand – Exclusive access to speaker presentations and post-event resources

  • Resource - Introduction of T Levels

    Report - 24th October 2022: A Review of the Quality of T-level Courses: Interim Report

    Guidance - 23rd October 2023: T Level Industry Placements Delivery Guidance

    Guidance - 1st February 2024: T Levels: Next Steps for Providers

    Guidance - 13th February 2024: T Level Funding

    Guidance - 4th March 2024: T Level Resources for Universities

    Policy Paper - T Level Action Plan: 2023-2024


    Delegate Online Login


    Introduction by Webinar Organiser


    Chair's Welcome and Opening Remarks

    Paul Bailey, Associate Director - T Level Professional Development, Education and Training Foundation


    Keynote Session:

    Transforming Technical Education through T Levels – The National Picture after the General Election

  • Looking to the future – Exploring the impact of the outcome of the General Election on the future of T Levels, and further education and skills policy
  • Improving the delivery of T Levels during a time of political change
  • Bridging the skills gap after the Election – Ensuring FE provision responds to local and national skills needs
  • Catherine Sezen, Director of Education Policy, Association of Colleges


    Keynote Session: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session One:

    Better Preparing Students, Teachers and Providers for T Levels

  • Raising the profile – Improving awareness of what T Levels offer students, providers and employers
  • Supporting students to successfully progress from T Level Transition Programmes to their T Levels study
  • Adapting and improving curriculum planning, content and delivery to meet industry standards
  • Upgrading facilities – Using the T Levels Capital Fund (TLCF) to modernise facilities and ensure students have access to industry-standard specialist equipment
  • Upskilling staff – Enhancing professional development to advance teaching skills, subject knowledge and industry links
  • Stephanie Crane, Delivery Lead - T Level Programmes; Steven Watterston, T Levels Foundation Year Lead, Association of Colleges

    Morag Davis, Group Executive Director of Strategy and Transformation, Nelson and Colne College Group

    Clare Appleby, Regional Relationship Manager, Education and Training Foundation


    Panel Session One: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Two:

    T Levels Delivery – Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges

  • Delivering consistently high-quality provision – Addressing shortcomings in T Level course content
  • Enhancing progression pathways – Delivering clear routes into higher education, apprenticeships or employment
  • Tackling assessment and qualification challenges
  • Keeping student experience at the heart of T Levels – Ensuring courses meet the needs of all learners, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  • Overcoming the difficulty of recruiting and retaining industry specialist teachers
  • Julie Hyde, Director of External and Regulatory Affairs, NCFE

    Mark Taylor, Head of School - Construction and the Built Environment, Science, Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing & Automotive Technologies, Preston College

    Ruth Coyle, Director of Admissions, Careers and Technical Education, Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School


    Panel Session Two: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Three:

    Strengthening Collaboration with Employers to Deliver Successful Placements

  • Closing the skills gap - Ensuring T Levels meets the needs of employers and the local, regional and national economy
  • Improving local partnerships – Enhancing relationships with employers to help students secure placements and scale up practices
  • Putting employers at the heart of T level resource development
  • Addressing geographical challenges – Ensuring students in every area have access to appropriate placements, including in rural settings
  • Utilising the Employer Placement Fund for set-up expenses, equipment and staff training
  • Implementing lessons learnt from the early adopters of T levels
  • Patrick Craven, Director of Policy, Strategic Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement, City & Guilds

    Kim Smith, Regional Lead for Technical Education and Enterprise, North East Combined Authority

    Kathryn Partington, Organisational Development Consultant, Apprenticeships, HR & Organisational Development Team, Wiltshire Council

    Iain Hook, Careers & Engagement Team Lead, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust


    Panel Session Three: Questions and Discussion


    Final Questions and Chair's Summary & Closing Comments


    End of Online Conference

    *Please note the programme and timings are subject to slight alteration without notice


    Catherine Sezen, Director of Education Policy, Association of Colleges


    Clare Appleby, Regional Relationship Manager, Education and Training Foundation


    Stephanie Crane, Delivery Lead - T Level Programmes; Steven Watterston, T Levels Foundation Year Lead, Association of Colleges


    Julie Hyde, Director of External and Regulatory Affairs, NCFE

    City & Guilds

    Patrick Craven, Director of Policy, Strategic Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement, City & Guilds

    Nelson and Colne College Group

    Morag Davis, Group Executive Director of Strategy and Transformation, Nelson and Colne College Group

    Preston College

    Mark Taylor, Head of School - Construction and the Built Environment, Science, Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing & Automotive Technologies, Preston College

    La Retraite

    Ruth Coyle, Director of Admissions, Careers and Technical Education, La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls' School


    Kim Smith, Regional Lead for Technical Education and Enterprise, North East Combined Authority

    Wiltshire Council

    Kathryn Partington, Organisational Development Consultant, Apprenticeships, HR & Organisational Development Team, Wiltshire Council


    Iain Hook, Careers & Engagement Team Lead, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust


    Paul Bailey (Chair & Moderator), Regional Head of Engagement - South East, East and London, Education and Training Foundation

    • Representatives from FE Colleges
    • Representatives from Schools
    • Headteachers
    • Deputy Headteachers
    • Local Education Authority Officers
    • Central Government Departments
    • Principals
    • Assistant & Vice Principals
    • Directors of Curriculum
    • Curriculum Managers
    • Directors of Studies
    • Directors of Quality
    • Heads of Vocational Education
    • Quality Assurance Practitioners
    • Standards Leads
    • Further Education Lecturers
    • Heads of Teaching & Learning
    • Registrars & Academic Registrars
    • Heads of Employment & Skills
    • Heads of Work-based Learning
    • Qualifications Managers
    • Teaching & Learning Specialists
    • Business Development Managers
    • Heads of Strategic Partnerships
    • Heads of Career Pathways
    • Strategic Partnership Managers
    • Neighbourhood Co-ordinators
    • Local Authority 14-19 Managers
    • Local Authority 14-19 Officers
    • Key Delivery Partners from Education & Childcare, Construction & Digital Sectors
    • Training Providers
    • Academics & Researchers
    • Industry & Private Sector
    • Awarding Bodies

    We are delighted to offer a range of sponsorship, exhibition and marketing opportunities across our portfolio of public policy events**. Whether you're interested in headline sponsorship or a simple delegate pack insert, we can provide tailor-made solutions to help deliver your profile-raising, communication and marketing strategies. We also provide subsidised rates for public sector and non-commercial organisations and are always keen to develop mutually beneficial partnership arrangements.

    **Not available for ONLINE events

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    Example packages include:

      Headline Sponsor Package:
    • 15 minute speaking slot within afternoon panel session followed by ‘Question Time’ debate with attendees
    • Headline branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Headline branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Headline branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places plus speaker
      Partner Sponsor Package:
    • Partner Branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Partner branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Partner branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places
      Exhibition Package:
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 2 delegate places

    • Insert Package:
    • Up to A4 size or equivalent insert in delegate pack

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