
Shaping the Future of T Levels and Technical Education

Date:     Wednesday 11th December 2024

Time:     10:00am - 3:15pm

Venue:  ONLINE Live Conference - Check Your System / Device Compatibility

  • Event Abstract
  • Programme
  • Key Speakers
  • Who Should Attend?
  • Marketing Opportunities

In September 2020, T Levels were introduced as a robust technical alternative to A Levels in England. Four years on, around 16,000 students have now studied all or a part of a T Level since their launch, at over 160 schools and colleges, spanning subjects as diverse as health and science, agriculture, digital technology and legal services.

Whilst progress has been made, significant challenges remain in T Level implementation which cannot be ignored. After four years of roll-out, lessons need to be learned to address worrying student ‘drop-out’ rates and poor teacher recruitment and retention. Furthermore, questions remain over availability of industry placements, assessment and overall course quality.

After a period of uncertainty in the run up to the general election, the new Labour government has pledged its commitment to bridging the skills gap by investing in technical education including T levels, highlighting their role in equipping young people with essential skills for future success and driving economic growth. In July 2024, a comprehensive review of post-16 qualifications, including T Levels, was initiated to enhance the educational landscape and clarify future funding for applied general qualifications (AGQs) and BTECs.

This must-attend online conference offers a timely opportunity to explore how to improve the delivery of T Levels in the near-term, discuss how to raise awareness of the T Levels offer amongst young people and examine how to bolster collaboration between T Level providers and employers. The conference will also look to the future, providing a valuable insight from the Department of Education into the future direction of T Levels, technical education and wider skills policy. The conference will examine what impact the Curriculum and Assessment Review (CAR) may have on technical education more broadly and we will also hear about the potential influence of the Post-16 Qualifications Reform Review on the future of T Levels and the possible discontinuation of BTECs.

Why Attend?

  • Live webinar featuring presentations and panel discussions with a wide range of policymakers and key officials
  • Gain insights into the new Government's strategy for T Levels, technical education and skills policy
  • Examine the potential impact of the Post-16 Qualifications Reform Review and Curriculum and Assessment Review (CAR) on the future of T Levels, and funding for applied general qualification (AGQ) courses
  • Gather knowledge on successfully designing, developing and delivering T Levels
  • Explore how to overcome T Level delivery obstacles, including improving awareness, recruitment and retention of teachers and students, high-quality course content and improving progression routes
  • Discuss how to strengthen collaboration & engagement with employers to ensure successful placements for students
  • Learn best practice from experts developing and delivering T Levels across the country
  • Interactive Question Time sessions with opportunities to engage directly with all speakers
  • Share ideas with fellow participants from further education, employers, industry, awarding bodies and Government
  • On Demand – Exclusive access to speaker presentations and post-event resources

  • Resource - Introduction of T Levels

    Report - 24th October 2022: A Review of the Quality of T-level Courses: Interim Report

    Guidance - 23rd October 2023: T Level Industry Placements Delivery Guidance

    Guidance - 1st February 2024: T Levels: Next Steps for Providers

    Guidance - 13th February 2024: T Level Funding

    Guidance - 4th March 2024: T Level Resources for Universities

    Policy Paper - T Level Action Plan: 2023-2024

    News - 24th July 2024: Focused review of Post-16 qualifications reform at level 3 and below

    Consultation - 25th September 2024: ‘National conversation’ on curriculum begins: Improving the curriculum and assessment system


    Delegate Online Login


    Introduction by Webinar Organiser


    Chair's Welcome and Opening Remarks

    Paul Bailey, Associate Director - T Level Professional Development, Education and Training Foundation


    Keynote Session:

    Transforming Technical Education and Accelerating Growth – The National Strategy for T Levels

  • Delivering technical education fit for the future – Examining the next steps for T Levels
  • Hear the latest policy updates on T Levels, including the potential impact of the Post-16 Qualifications Reform Review and Curriculum and Assessment Review (CAR) on T Levels and the defunding of BTECs
  • Utilising T Levels to boost growth by responding to local and national skills needs
  • Looking towards the new Post-16 Skills Strategy and the potential key role of T Levels within it
  • Craig Myers, Deputy Director, T Levels, Skills Group, Department for Education


    Keynote Session: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session One:

    Boosting Awareness, Access and Preparedness for T Levels

  • Raising awareness – Improving public knowledge and understanding of what T Levels offers students, the public and employers
  • Delivering effective T-Level Foundation Year programmes
  • Enhancing learner support and guidance to guarantee students are adequately supported and able to meet the rigorous nature of the provision, especially for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  • Adapting and improving curriculum planning, content and delivery to meet industry standards
  • Upskilling staff – Enhancing professional development to advance teaching skills, subject knowledge and industry collaboration
  • Stephanie Crane, Delivery Lead - T Level Programmes, Association of Colleges

    Ashley Grute, Assistant Principal - A Levels and Vocational Curriculum, Alton, HSDC Colleges

    Jenifer Burden MBE, Director of Programmes, Gatsby Foundation


    Panel Session One: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Two:

    Enhancing Course Quality and Outcomes

  • Examining the future role of Skills England in enhancing skills, boosting growth and improving T Levels implementation
  • Enhancing progression routes from T Levels into higher education, apprenticeships or employment
  • Streamlining T Level assessments and qualifications while maintaining high-quality course content
  • Developing strategies to recruit and retain industry specialist teachers
  • Integrating cutting-edge technology and industry standard equipment to create immersive learning environments that cater for diverse student needs and foster practical skills development
  • Pamela Rahman, Associate Director for T Levels, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

    Catherine Sezen, Director of Education Policy, Association of Colleges


    Panel Session Two: Questions and Discussion


    Comfort Break


    Panel Session Three:

    Strengthening Collaboration with Employers to Improve Placements

  • Cultivating local partnerships and employer engagement strategies that boost the availability of placements, especially in challenging rural communities
  • Aligning your T Level offer with local and regional economic needs to bridge the skills gap
  • Equipping students with essential workplace skills and industry-specific competencies to ensure they are prepared for their placements
  • Implementing flexible placement models to accommodate diverse industry needs and student circumstances
  • Enhancing support for both employers and students throughout the placement process to maximize learning outcomes and satisfaction
  • Vanessa Hughes, Head of Digital, Business, Legal and Creative T Levels, Bridgwater & Taunton College

    Gert Rohrmann, Training and Development Manager, Smart Infrastructure Division, Siemens


    Panel Session Three: Questions and Discussion


    Final Questions and Chair's Summary & Closing Comments


    End of Online Conference

    *Please note the programme and timings are subject to slight alteration without notice


    Craig Myers, Deputy Director, T Levels, Skills Group, Department for Education


    Catherine Sezen, Director of Education Policy, Association of Colleges


    Pamela Rahman, Associate Director for T Levels, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education


    Stephanie Crane, Delivery Lead - T Level Programmes, Association of Colleges


    Ashley Grute, Assistant Principal - A Levels and Vocational Curriculum, Alton, HSDC Colleges


    Vanessa Hughes, Head of Digital, Business, Legal and Creative T Levels, Bridgwater and Taunton College


    Jenifer Burden MBE, Director of Programmes, Gatsby Foundation


    Gert Rohrmann, Training and Development Manager, Smart Infrastructure Division, Siemens


    Paul Bailey (Chair & Moderator), Associate Director - T Level Professional Development, Education and Training Foundation

    Policy Foresight

    More Speakers Coming Soon...

    • Representatives from FE Colleges
    • Representatives from Schools
    • Headteachers
    • Deputy Headteachers
    • Local Education Authority Officers
    • Central Government Departments
    • Principals
    • Assistant & Vice Principals
    • Directors of Curriculum
    • Curriculum Managers
    • Directors of Studies
    • Directors of Quality
    • Heads of Vocational Education
    • Quality Assurance Practitioners
    • Standards Leads
    • Further Education Lecturers
    • Heads of Teaching & Learning
    • Registrars & Academic Registrars
    • Heads of Employment & Skills
    • Heads of Work-based Learning
    • Qualifications Managers
    • Teaching & Learning Specialists
    • Business Development Managers
    • Heads of Strategic Partnerships
    • Heads of Career Pathways
    • Strategic Partnership Managers
    • Neighbourhood Co-ordinators
    • Local Authority 14-19 Managers
    • Local Authority 14-19 Officers
    • Key Delivery Partners from Education & Childcare, Construction & Digital Sectors
    • Training Providers
    • Academics & Researchers
    • Industry & Private Sector
    • Awarding Bodies

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      Headline Sponsor Package:
    • 15 minute speaking slot within afternoon panel session followed by ‘Question Time’ debate with attendees
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    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places plus speaker
      Partner Sponsor Package:
    • Partner Branding on event webpage with URL link
    • Partner branding on all pre-event marketing campaigns including brochures and email bulletins
    • Partner branding on delegate pack, lectern, directional signage and event holding slide
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 4 delegate places
      Exhibition Package:
    • Profile in delegate pack
    • 3m x 2m exhibition space in refreshment area
    • Insert in delegate pack
    • 2 delegate places

    • Insert Package:
    • Up to A4 size or equivalent insert in delegate pack

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